A Vision of The Temple Mount,
A Menacing Dragon,
And A Season of Increasing Shakings
A Menacing Dragon,
And A Season of Increasing Shakings
[NOTICE: In recent
Updates we have focused on a threatening surge of unrest and contention which
has been steadily increasing on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and in Muslim
nations (particularly Jordan) related to Israel's attempts to contain the
unrest there. This week we submit for your prayerful consideration what we see
to be an extremely timely prophetic Word released this week by Rick Ridings
regarding this volatile situation. Rick with his wife Patti are founders and
directors of Succat Hallel, a 24/7 house of worship and intercession,
which faces the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. -Martin Sarvis, Jerusalem]
RICK RIDINGS: On 21 October,
2014, during our worship in Succat Hallel, I saw a vision of a huge black
dragon that was circling in a menacing manner above the Temple Mount here in
Jerusalem. Each time it breathed fire from its mouth, violence was
released on the Temple Mount. But I knew this time it was planning something
really much larger. Suddenly I saw in the heavens two words: "NOT NOW". Then
a huge foot descended from the heavens and pinned the dragon to the ground.
Next, the Lord reached down and put shackles on the dragon's feet and imprisoned
the dragon in the underground mosque on the southeast corner of the Temple
Mount. As I was seeing this in the vision, our worship leader started singing
from Psalm 149 about us through high praise putting the kings in chains and the
nobles in shackles.
Next, I saw the Lord's
hand put a lock on the door to where the dragon was imprisoned, and then put a
lock on it with a timer, seeming to indicate it would be released to do
something quite "big" in the timing of the Lord, but that now was not the
Then the hands of
the Lord continued to shake and thresh the Temple Mount in a flat threshing
basket, as I had seen in previous visions on 17 June and 14 October.
The Lord was tossing the Temple Mount into the air in a way similar to the
ancient threshing method of tossing grain into the air, after which the chaff
would be blown away by the wind, and the good grain would fall into the
threshing basket. I felt the Lord was speaking, "This is still a season in
which I am sifting and discerning the hearts of men and nations". I
realized He was showing mercy to those who really were searching for truth and
righteousness. Even on the Temple Mount, in the midst of the shakings, water
came out from between the stones, splashed into the eyes of those Muslims who
were sincerely seeking righteousness, and washed away deception, and opened
their eyes to Jesus as Messiah, Savior, and Lord.
Then on 29 October,
a Palestinian attempted to assassinate Rabbi Yehuda Glick, who had just given a
lecture to a small group in the Menachem Begin Heritage Center, expressing his belief that Jews and Christians should also be allowed to pray
on the Temple Mt., and not only Moslems, as is the status quo. Four shots were
fired into him at point-blank range. Miraculously, he not only survived, but
is recovering. His Palestinian killer was from the neighborhood (Abu Tor) in
which we have our 24/7 prayer and worship center, Succat Hallel. He
fired back at the police when they tried to capture him, and was killed in the
ensuing shootout. Many predicted the next few days would be a time of huge
violence and the start of a new "intifada" (uprising) in Jerusalem, similar to
what took place in 2000, and was followed by four years of numerous suicide and
bus bombings in Jerusalem. We strongly prayed into the words from my Oct 21
vision "Not Now! On Saturday 1 November, great violence was predicted, but
rain fell quite heavily in the morning. (News sources even credited the rain
with helping to calm down the situation.) That afternoon, in Succat Hallel we
were singing over Jerusalem: "His love never fails, never gives up, never runs
out on you. It's higher than the mountains that you face, and stronger than
the power of the grave." At that exact moment, a huge rainbow appeared, and
seemed to be touching the Temple Mount!
Then on 4 November,
I had another vision concerning the dragon in which I saw the dragon shrieking,
and trying to break out of the dungeon in which it had been imprisoned.
I saw a rainbow hammer come down to make the door even more secure. But I saw
the dragon was sending frog-like demon spirits from its mouth (similar to what
is described in Revelation 16:13). These spirits were going into various
terrorist leaders and giving them words to incite to terror. The same spirits
were also working through characters on Muslim children's television, inciting
them to violence, urging them to "Kill the Jews". I felt the Lord say we were
to ask Him as the Judge of the Universe to give a "gag and restraining order"
to silence the dragon for this time period. I saw a throne with seven lions
down each side, and the Lamb in the middle. As the Lord gave this restraining
order, I then saw believing children in the Middle East who were worshipping
the Lamb. Then angels began to go to Muslim children and whisper in their
ears: "Love the Jews".
In a strong
confirmation, I was asked to share at a meeting here in Jerusalem on 6 November
with Chuck Pierce. Chuck did not know about the vision I had of the
dragon, but said that as he and his team flew into Israel, they saw a sunset
that seemed more like glory was arising over Jerusalem, rather than going
down. But in the sky above this light they all saw a cloud that looked clearly
like a dragon, and had the sense there was a dragon spirit trying to swallow up
the glory that was about to be poured out in Jerusalem.
1. Proclaim the
sovereignty of the Holy One of Israel over His Holy Hill, the Temple Mount, in
Jerusalem. Proclaim Ezekiel 43:6,7: "While
the man was standing beside me, I heard someone speaking to me from inside the
temple. He said: "Son of man, this is the place of
my throne and the place for the soles of my feet. This is where I will live
among the Israelites forever."
2. Proclaim "Not Now"
to the forces of evil trying to stir up something big, like a prolonged violent
uprising in Jerusalem, or even a regional war in the Middle East.
3. Pray for much
revelation of Jesus on the Temple Mount, in Jerusalem, and across the Middle East.
4. Pray for a dying
down of the incitement to killing, especially that aimed at children and
youth. Pray for a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the children and
youth of the Middle East.
5. Pray for mercy
upon men and nations whose hearts are being "sifted and threshed" by the events
taking place in Jerusalem and on the Temple Mount. On January 1, 2014, my
wife, Patti, had received a strong word that this was a year of "shifting and
sifting". I believe we are still in that season, even here in Jerusalem.
towards the support of Jewish messianic and Arab believing staff that are
helping lead our 24/7 worship and prayer facing the Temple Mount. in
Jerusalem. For more information, go to: http://www.succathallel.com/donate/
Thank you for standing
with Jerusalem in your prayers during this very strategic season!
Rick Ridings
9 November, 2014
9 November, 2014