If you have been confused by the free flowing commentary as the United States and the international powers debate what must be done in response to the use of chemical weapons in Syria, then this commentary from an Israeli Messianic ministry leader is just what you need. Not only does this commentary give insight to what a diplomatically closed-lip Israeli government is really thinking, it also gives us the benefit of news facts filtered through penetraiting spiritual eyes. Don't give up on understanding what's what until you read this!
JERUSALEM: These are incredible times and it is truly an honor to be chosen by God to be alive in these days. It is our prayer for you that in the coming year, no matter how daunting the challenges before you may be, that as you look to Yeshua his presence will keep you in peace and that his exceedingly great power and grace will propel you to a place of victory in everything you do.
The Fall Feasts are a prophetic picture of the return of Yeshua and the establishment of his Kingdom. We know that before he returns there will be great shakings in the world, the center of which will be in Israel. So we are not surprised by the intensity of the times that we are living through. None of us can even begin to imagine what the coming year will bring. We only know that the shakings in this part of the world are at an unprecedented level and that there is no doubt in our hearts that all of this is as “birth pains” for the coming Kingdom.
The historic theological split in Islam between the Sunnis and the Shias is underlying most of the civil war conflict in the different Arab nations. We are watching the fracturing of their world into smaller and smaller segments. Each part is fanatically convinced that they represent the true “way” of Allah and are committed in utter hatred to kill and maim their Muslim brothers. The fight is unto death and there can be no compromise.The Middle East is in a state of general “melt down”. As much as the Islamic world may declare that all Muslims are brothers and part of the same nation, the reality is very different. The historic theological split in Islam between the Sunnis and the Shias is underlying most of the civil war conflict in the different Arab nations. We are watching the fracturing of their world into smaller and smaller segments. Each part is fanatically convinced that they represent the true “way” of Allah and are committed in utter hatred to kill and maim their Muslim brothers. The fight is unto death and there can be no compromise. As we see daily, there is no limit to the horror they are willing to release on each other and the rest of the “infidel” world in the name of Allah.
All of this hatred is the antithesis of the teachings of Yeshua. Please join us in praying that as this Islamic wave of darkness breaks across this part of the world that the love, truth and goodness of Yeshua would shine forth. Pray that Muslims would be disillusioned with their faith and that they would be drawn to the pure love of Yeshua. Pray that the believers in these nations would be a bright light in the increasing darkness. Truly Yeshua has a far better way!
Egypt | We were all taken by surprise as the unpredictable happened and within a few short weeks, the great democratic experiment in Egypt ended. The "Arab spring" which had quickly turned into the "Arab winter" has begun to thaw out! The Muslim Brotherhood was uprooted suddenly and is now reeling under a wave of popular anger and government oppression. The ruling power in Egypt is once again the military. Simply put, democracies do not function where Radical Islam is a dominant force. Former President Morsi used the victory of the Muslim Brotherhood in the polls to try and turn Egypt into an Islamic state. He trampled on the rights and freedoms of vast portions of Egypt's population and in an amazing reversal, he and most of his leaders are now in prison and the military appears to be once again firmly in control.
A radical Islamic Egypt in partnership with Iran and Hamas was a nightmare for Israel. Although not commenting publicly, the Israeli government is experiencing a strong sense of relief as the realignment of power has been a positive one.A radical Islamic Egypt in partnership with Iran and Hamas was a nightmare for Israel. Although not commenting publicly, the Israeli government is experiencing a strong sense of relief as the realignment of power has been a positive one. The warming of relations between Iran and Egypt under Morsi have come to a complete halt and their ancient hatred and distrust of each other are keeping them far apart. Hamas has been a big loser as it strongly supported the Muslim Brotherhood's takeover of Egypt and are thus viewed as an enemy of the present military government. Egypt, under its new military rule, is accomplishing what Israel has wanted and yet was prevented from doing by the international community. In a few short months, they have all but closed down the smuggling tunnels that served as a conduit of anti Israel weapons into Gaza. They are also demolishing all of the homes close to the Gaza - Egyptian border in order to create a security zone and to further prevent smuggling.
Please keep praying for the success of the present Egyptian government. It is not perfect by any sense but it understands its enemy; radical jihad Islam and knows how to use its power to prevent eighty million Egyptians from falling under the domination of this dark force. Please also pray for the Christians in Egypt. They suffered terribly under the Muslim Brotherhood's rule and have been the target of their anger during the recent anti government demonstrations, with many Christians murdered and a large number of churches destroyed.
Israel has not publicly taken sides in the internal battle between the different streams of Islam. For Israel the old axiom is probably true: “Better the enemy you know than the enemy you do not know.”Syria | The other “hot spot” for Israel at this time is Syria. Again, Israel has not publicly taken sides in the internal battle between the different streams of Islam. For Israel the old axiom is probably true: “Better the enemy you know than the enemy you do not know.” For forty years since the end of the Yom Kippur War, the Syrian- Israeli border has been quiet. Assad and his father before him, although haters of Israel, thought it best not to enter into confrontation with Israel. A Jihad takeover of Syria (the rebel forces) could transform Syria into another active battle front for Israel. As the civil war has continued in the north, there have already been numerous instances of the jihad rebel forces which are fighting Assad using their proximity to Israel to fire rockets and mortars across the border into Israel.
Of course, all of Israel is anxiously awaiting the final outworking of America's threat to punish Syria for its use of chemical weapons against its own citizens. Israel has called up reserves and hastened the distribution of gas masks and has prepared itself for any eventuality. Both Assad and Iran have threatened that an American attack on Syria would result in Israel being attacked and Jerusalem has made it known that any attack against this nation would be responded to in a most vigorous way.
Lebanon is also starting to come apartLebanon | Israel's other neighbor, Lebanon is also starting to come apart as this deeply divided nation is being drawn into the Syrian conflict. Hezbollah, the main power in Lebanon has entered the battle against the rebels, siding with Assad. This has led to a major rupture between the Sunni and Shia populations within that nation and they have been murdering each other with repeated car bombs and terrorist attacks. The entire nation is in danger of crumbling as it is being drawn into the Syrian conflict which threatens to deteriorate into a wider regional war between the different streams of Islam.
Pray that the western democracies would understand the very complex underlying forces in the battle that is raging in the Middle East.Please keep all of this in fervent prayer. Pray that the western democracies would understand the very complex underlying forces in the battle that is raging in the Middle East. Pray that their ideal of democracy as being the highest expression of good (no matter who wins) would be broken in the light of the harsh reality that is present in this part of the world. Pray for the Israeli government as they endeavor to negotiate the treacherous waters that are swirling around them and that Israel would not be drawn into a war.
On this Rosh Hashana, 5774, the world looks differently than it did last year this time. The reality on the ground is being transformed rapidly as the world is unknowingly being prepared for the arrival of the coming King. Yeshua said that nation would rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. He promised that in the midst of such shakings as the world has never known, the Gospel of the Kingdom would be preached throughout the whole world and then the end would come. May we stand strong, united in love and purpose as this day draws near.