Saturday, January 12, 2008

Bush visits Israel Holocaust Museum

For everyone who has heard bad things about Bush toward Israel, please read this touching article from an Israeli report on his visit to the Holocaust Museum yesterday.

Bush visits Yad Vashem museum

While touring the museum Bush asked why the U.S. had chosen to refrain from bombing Auschwitz to stop the mass murdering of Jews and Sec of State Rice explained to him they made their decision based on not wanting to be seen in the war just to be helping the Jews. Which Bush answered, "We should have bombed it."

A top Israeli Holocaust scholar says it is the first time an American president has made this acknowledgment.

Bush was seen misty eyed several times during the tour of the overwhelming evidence of the demonic hatred of the Jews experienced last century in Germany.

This is a friend of Israel who has not been given his due for stands taken with God for the Chosen People. At least in Israel, many--even a majority--recognize this leader as the friend of Israel that he truly is. God bless President Bush, and God bless the United States of America who has been safe harbor for Jews from throughout the Diaspora (exile).

At the end of the re-election of George W. Bush to serve a second term, the Holy Spirit spoke in our local Israel Prayer meeting that it was not too early to begin to pray for the person who would enter the White House next to lead our nation, and to be the most powerful leader in all the nations of the world. We were to pray for someone who could take the stand that President Bush has begun for the United States and carry it forward in the will of God--continuing to be a true friend and ally to Israel, and not to shrink back from the battle that is hard against us in Islamic terrorism.

Please continue to pray that God will make His choice of man to lead the United States into the future, to safeguard our freedoms and stand as beacon of justice to the oppressed of the world. There is nothing impossible with God. He can take our current divisions and melt our hearts behind His chosen vessel to lead this nation in His purposes. Pray that those who call on the name of the Lord would hearken to His leading in this important national election.

Monday, January 7, 2008

United we prevail, divided we shoot ourselves

As I have been watching and reflecting on the primary coverage on television, I have been reminded of the first time I voted in a presidential election. I voted for Jimmy Carter because he was an underdog who came out of nowhere, had an infectious smile and frankly because I knew absolutely nothing about what was going on in the world!

I voted strictly on the basis that I was old enough to vote and for the first time since I was old enough a presidential candidate captured my imagination.

Sound familiar? This seems to be what is happening with the groundswell of youth support for Barack Obama and I think it is worth praying into.

Why? Because I can remember how disappointing the reality of the Carter presidency was as Iran held American citizens hostage in our embassy and the humiliating retreat we made from those American rescue helicopters downed on the desert floor.

In my view, President Carter did the best work of his life with Habitat for Humanity, but if he had stayed silent on foreign affairs since leaving office we would be much better off for his silence.

If the youth rise up in a naive vote in this presidential cycle, we could see the repeat of a humiliating presidential term for the United States of America in terms of foreign affairs. This is a most dangerous time for the idealistic and naive to be the deciding vote in our elections.

While there is a groundswell of youthful idealism, on the other side of the coin we are seeing divisions among those who have been around the block enough times to know what is really going on in the world.

That is why it is pretty disturbing to see some Christian leaders coming out with vows not to vote for any candidate who is not “actively pro-life,” or like Congressman Tom Tancredo who has vowed not to vote for or support any candidate in his own party that does not tackle illegal immigration in a way that he approves of. If he doesn't get his way on this issue, then he will not support the candidate of his party. If we get much more of this we are in even more trouble than I first thought!

If we want to shoot ourselves in the foot, we will continue making vows like this.

Primaries Election Watch


As we have come up to this election -getting wrapped up in it long before we normally do -one thing that we all have been able to see is that there have been lots of candidates but few stand out favorites. It may be that the Iowa caucus saw the emergence of a standout favorite in the Democratic party, but within the Republican party it looks like from state to state we will see different winners and no clear national favorite.

As a nation we may be more divided in our priorities than we ever have been. I was surprised to hear on a news report last night that Iowa was a strongly anti-Iraq war state. If this is how the heartland views the Iraq war, I can't imagine how widespread the pacifism stretches, which may be exactly where the momentum behind Senator Obama stems from.

Di-vision. Have you ever noticed how the word "division" breaks down? "di" means two, so essentially what we have in this word is "vision" -which is from God- that is split in two, or di-vision.

In Psalm 133:1 the psalmist sings, "Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." He ends the chorus in verse 3 by declaring that that when "brethren" are "dwelling together in unity," "there the Lord commanded the blessing."

Unity of vision is very important for the blessing to rest upon us as the believing Remnant in the United States of America. Will we be able to find unity and rally around a candidate who truly represents the LORD's vision for His people in the United States, or will try to go forward in our broken 'denominationalism' in this election? We should take notice about the unity that is gathering around a candidate who does not represent a minimum of our values and remember what can built and accomplished with unity even for forces that are in opposition to the values of God.

As someone who has followed Israeli politics for many years, I have be a witness to how divisiveness has just about rendered the Israeli political process completely impotent. In that system dozens of political parties represent so many divisions of interests that there is almost nothing that can be accomplished any more in such a fractured state. There are few places where unity ever emerges in the Israeli population. Only when when Israel is suddenly thrust into war does unity emerge among the citizens. At that point the Jews stop fighting each other and realize that truly, 'united they stand and divided the fall.'

As we approach these elections, this would be a good thing for us to remember as the people of God seeking to elect God's choice of leader for our nation.

A couple of days ago I attended a prophetic conference in the north Texas area where one of the most anointed voices within the Israeli believing Messianic Remnant spoke. I was so encouraged by something Asher Intrater related to the crowd gathered in the NTU coliseum as an aside to the main point of his message. I was encourage by the response even more than what he related!

Asher told this stadium crowd of several thousand – that he went to his son who is a commander in the Israeli army of 150 men and serves on the dangerous border with Lebanon.

Asher asked his son Y, ‘What does the Israeli army think about the U.S. presence in Iraq?”

And Y answered, ‘The strongest danger for Israel and our army is on our northern border with the Hezballah terror group in Lebanon. Next door Syria is funneling weapons to Hezballah and on the other side of Iraq, Iran is funneling funds to Hezballah. The Israeli army is very glad that there is a U.S. presence in Iraq that acts as a wall of protection for Israel.”

The crowd went absolutely nuts- exploding into cheers and applause! This statement created the strongest, most joyous response of the entire message. My own heart leapt to see the overwhelming rejoicing and welcome that statement brought from the crowd.

Frankly I was shocked at the response because we have been hearing mostly just the the nay-sayers who oppose the war in Iraq and only find fault with the U.S. having entered into the dangerous nation in the League of Terroristic States. I frankly did not even know there were that many believers left who understood the importance of the U.S. having gone in to and remaining in Iraq.

Our God-directed president engaged that battle in the war on terrorism in order to take down Saddam and his brutal heirs; to cut off a strategic player in state sponsored terrorism; and to keep troops on the ground long enough to stabilize Iraq--a nation that had been ruled with the iron fist of ruthless brutality for decades. That is not an 'in one day, out the next' job. For Iraq to function in a stable, more democratic fashion, our commitment has to be for the long haul.

The anti-war ("nothing is worth fighting for") crowd has been given the most coverage in the news media. How a story is told over and over again, whether true or whether highly prejudicial, can establish falsehoods as facts. People will believe a lie if it is repeated often enough, and the lie that we have no good reason for being having gone into Iraq and for still being there has certainly been the daily drumbeat of the mainstream news media. Except that God exposes reality to His people, those who are blinded by deception will continue groping in the dark believing things that are not.

This is why I have had the sense that during this process of choosing our presidential candidates, the LORD will allow reality to burst in on the consciousness of American voters. It is because I believe He wants to ultimately have mercy upon us.

In a small way, the terrorist attack that took the life of Pakistani Benazir Bhutto was a warning alarm. It caught our momentary attention but apparently was not enough of an alarm to Christian voters. We have yet to fully realize our imperative to place into office a leader who has understanding of the times in terms of the threat of radical Islamic terrorism.

Recently someone emailed me objecting to an e-column I wrote about not making the abortion issue the litmus test of our choice of candidate. The person objected saying that we were experiencing terrorism because of abortions in the U.S. That is just a patent misunderstanding of the anti-christ underpinnings of the global phenomenon of radical Islam on in our day! (To the Jew first, but also to the nations!)

The ruthless world-domination goals of the radical Islamist movement is a far more ominous spirit of mass murder than that which is attached to abortion. We better lift up our heads and see the true nature behind this battle well as what type of unity as God's people that will bring us protection against all the murderous spirits roaming about devouring human life in the name of Mohammad.

Several days ago there was an Islamic "honor" killing in my Dallas-Fort Worth area, where an Islamic taxi driver killed his 17 and 18 year old daughters. If we don't want to live in a world where this becomes a routine occurrence, we better awaken to the fact that we must resist radical Islam both spiritually in proclaiming the gospel and physically in war.

Today the spiritual reality and the earthly reality are intersecting as one before our eyes as never before, and it is a great mistake to continue to think in terms of two completely separate realities. This war is a spiritual war - make no mistake.

I have said all that to say this: The active, aggressive war on radical Islamic terrorism that President Bush initiated as a long term battle for the survival of the United States and our allies, was not a mistake. Christians must not be deceived into thinking that this is not our battle because the fighting is not taking place on our shores.

We will either install a president into office that is going to fight terrorism from a gut level understanding that it is an antichrist spirit seeking world domination, or we are going to elect someone who is passive and unware that we are like the proverbial frog in the kettle slowly heating up to a rolling boil.

I believe in God's mercy. I believe that in the horrific events of 9/11, God in His mercy awakened a sleeping America to a threat we had be ignoring. As a nation, we had been saying that it was Israel's battle, not ours, and we were dead wrong. In God's mercy, President Bush arose to that occasion at the 9/11 wake up call and he ordered our troops to engage in the long term battle that is surely arrayed against us.

If most in our nation now think the danger has passed, how foolish are we? If we think it is no longer important to have the Most Powerful Leader in the World to be a man that understands and has the will to fight Islamic terrorism, then we are moving toward a nation in decline not into spiritual ascension. I believe God in His mercy will allow events to awaken us if we continue in drowsy spiritual mode towards this battle.

We must not be divided as believers for our nation to stand. We must find a presidential candidate that we can all back in unity, who addresses all the critical issues important to us as believers.

Let us pray for unity among the believers and for God to clearly show all those with ears to hear and eyes to see, who He has anointed to lead the United States of America into the future with His mercies and blessing.

I hope it is not the case the #1 issue in Iowa is that everyone plays nice in their commercials over all the real issues we have to deal with! No one is fond of negative ads and political mud-slinging but there are some real issues that we have to get real with. Iowa is well known for wanting everyone to play nice, but with stakes this high, we don't need to be caught up in our reputation, we need to get to the bottom of who is the best qualified person to lead our country.

Iraq is not the #1 issue, it is only a part of the #1 issue which is what will our leader do about the war with Islamic terrorism that is in full swing globally? Do we really want another Jimmy Carter in the White House at an hour like this? A wonderful smile is great for popularity contests, but I want someone who is clear eyed about our world and with the strength, will and courage to what he has to do to protect our nation and freedom.

If that just sounds corny, I think some people need to start reading their newspapers again. I say this because I hear Christians say all the time how they don't read the newspaper or watch the news anymore because it is only "bad news." H-e-l-l-o! Welcome to real world where lots of bad is afoot that needs to be countered with godly wisdom and strength.

We are not of the world, but we are in the world, and we need to do more in our world than just go from spiritual meeting to spiritual meeting. Sandwiched in there needs to be that military term Jesus used in the parable that addressed men's hopes about when the kingdom of God would appear: "Occupy until I come."

That word "occupy" is pragmateuomai, where we get the word pragmatic. It means "to carry on." We must be pragmatic about the problems we face in our world today and not merely try to wish them away as I hear so many expressing out there in Iowa and New Hampshire with the "We want change" mantra. Of course, we want change, but let's face it wishing the warfare would go away never has caused it to go away. We have to be more pragmatic about living in the real world and "carry on" with the business of resisting evil - after submitting to God. Only then will the devils flee.

Election Watch: Judicial Appointments

1-2-08 Judicial Appointments a critical factor in this Presidential cycle

Last week an appeals judge in the 7th District courts overturned an award against the Hamas fundraisers, the Holy Land Foundation, and others that had been won by the parents of a 17 year old American boy who was murdered in a suicide bombing in Israel.

The judges who are appointed by the next president of the United States, and those he will bring into office riding on his political coattails is of the utmost importance. This is true in terrorism cases and in abortion cases.

If the candidate for president is likely to make liberal appointments to the bench, this is exactly where we stand to lose the most. In my opinion, it is the judicial system of this country that is heart of most of the ethical battles we are waging and will be waging in the near future. We must elect officials who will turn the tide of judicial decisions.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Vindicated! In HLF trial jurors were bullied

Vindication! I couldn’t help crying this morning as I followed my Google alert notice of news articles about the Holy Land Foundation trial to a breaking story on Steve Emerson’s Investigative Project on Terrorism, “HLF Jury Room Bullying.”

A few weeks ago, Michael Fechter with the Investigative Project emailed me with some questions about the jurors because of my follow up report on the trial and indications that there had been bullying by one of the jurors. He asked me not to say anything because they were doing an investigation into it.

His email came the same day as a new a piece written by Greg Krikorian in the LA Times (Weak case seen in failed trial of charity 11-4-07) which claimed to have spoken to three HLF jurors (only two named) who agreed the defendants were not guilty.

Since I was actually in the courtroom to see the jurors, I knew that the description in Krikorian’s piece about an older woman juror who agreed the defendants were guilty, was most definitely not the woman juror I described in my report—the one who took copious notes and was very unlikely to have believed the defendants were not guilty.

I am so thankful that Fechter and IPT pressed into this story and found jurors willing to talk about what went on behind those closed doors.

The IPT investigative article is total vindication of what I picked up on in the courtroom and in the post-trial interviews given by the bully juror. You can also see a video interview of juror Kristina Williams, who I noted had taken copious notes during the trial and who I felt had very likely been beaten down by Neal according to things he said in post trial interviews.

We can make a difference by getting involved.
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

Exclusive IPT Investigation Uncovers
HLF Jury Room Bullying
by Michael Fechter IPT News Service Dec 10, 2007

Saturday, December 8, 2007

NIE Report "Bushwhacked" President

Later this weekend I will be putting out a special focus Israel News Launch on my website and to subscribers to Israel News on in order to bring out more information on the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) report everyone is talking about.

My personal take is that this report has done far more damage to the security of the United States and Israel than most have comprehended. The reason I think so is because it has done more to undermine U.S. credibility in assessing what is going on in the Middle East than anything in recent memory.

It is a another sign of the lawlessness of our times when a sitting president has his knee caps shot out by the counter-agendas within the U.S. intelligence community. Instead of serving the elected leadership of the nation, these Washington foreign policy and intelligence "professionals" believe they have the right to capsize the boat our president is sailing.

Not everyone cares whether Israel is swallowed up by terrorist forces and they are just as short sighted as Neville Chamberlain was 60 years ago.

What does that have to do with intelligence assessments? A lot.

As the Wall Street Journal wrote last week in an article called High Confidence Games, "Our own 'confidence' is not heightened by the fact that the NIE's main authors include three former State Department officials with previous reputations as 'hyper-partisan anti-Bush officials,' according to one intelligence source. They are Tom Fingar, formerly of the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research; Vann Van Diepan, the National Intelligence Officer for WMD; and Kenneth Brill, the former U.S. Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)."

Another news source indicated that none of the three main authors have expertise in Middle Eastern affairs.

In the concluding statement of this article WSJ editors wrote, "Our intelligence services are supposed to inform the policies of elected officials, but increasingly their judgments seem to be setting policy. This is dangerous."

It sure is! It is called anarchy - lawlessness - and it is how nations implode at the governmental level.

The NIE, is the National Intelligence Estimate. Why estimate? Because it is rare to have solid concrete evidence about what other nations are doing within their own borders - especially true of those hostile to our nation. Intelligence estimates are made based on a much lower level collection of evidences that have been pieced together to form a best guess picture of reality.

The way it is supposed to work is that the intelligence agencies gather and piece together a best guess estimate then turn it over to the elected officials, who decide what it means for the direction of the nation, according to the policies of the elected leadership. What has been happening in Washington is intelligence leaks meant to sink the ship of the Bush administration. It's an old story of chaos when there is no recognition of leadership and "everyone does what is right in his own eyes."

This will not only sink an administration, it will sink a whole nation if it is allowed to continue. That is why I am with those who are saying there needs to be further investigation into the NIE report and its latest conclusions. President Bush should not just roll over in this "Bushwhacking" as a Jerusalem Post editorial rightly called it this week.

Israeli reports have it that the Israeli Military Intelligence chief Gabi Ashkenazi and Defense Minister Ehud Barak will be presenting "hard core evidence" on the Iranian nuclear program tomorrow when Admiral Michael Mullen, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff makes a rare visit to Israel on Sunday, 12/9. An Israeli defense official said of the NIE assessment, "The report clearly shows that we did not succeed in making our case over the past year....Mullen's visit is an opportunity to try and fix that."

Like I said, intel rarely consists of evidence so concrete that it is carved-in-stone fact. That is why intelligence must be interpreted and estimates given as to what the intel means. It is more than just guessing but it is not more than an educated guess. This is where policy comes into play and why the tug of war in Washington goes on between those who resist the policies of the Bush administration in the fight he is leading in Islamic terrorism and in U.S. policy in the Middle East.

In a Wall Street Journal article called Iran Curveball, editors wonder over the same thing I've been puzzled about in the past week, the editors writing, "What's amazing in this case is how the White House has allowed intelligence analysts to drive policy."

The president was surely blindsided in a major way. It is a back lash that even pulls the carpet out from under the foundation of a new start that was laid down for the Middle East in the Annapolis meetings. There will be unintended negative consequences always when rebellions like this are staged against the elected leaders.

That doesn't mean there can't be a turnaround. We can and should fight to negate the significance and the damage done by this NIE report.

John Bolton was immediately out in public speaking against the conclusions of the NIE report. We need to pay attention to him and to the many others now out there explaining what is really going on here.

I will be posting the the NIE Special Focus News Launch page on Sunday 12/9 afternoon at: or sign up to receive the news launch via email.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

PeaceMaker: Not as Easy as You Think

Just in time for Christmas!

For all those voices that clamor every time Israel makes a move (or doesn't) in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, this is a perfect gift. A virtual game called PeaceMaker that lets you be the one to call the shots on all the tough decisions to resolve the conflict. Think you know better than any of the Israeli Prime Ministers? Ever wonder why no matter whether they came from the right or the left, when in office they made choices you never would. Well, this is the perfect opportunity to find out what it is like to be in their shoes.

Really $19.95 seems a small price to pay for anyone who thinks they could call the shots better to get the "right" outcome in the conflict. If only this game would be bought and played by all with hardline positions. Maybe some would see what the consequences of their choices would really be. (And without actually blowing up the whole region!)

That is probably my biggest complaint about the far right advocates for Israel. There is never any talk about the consequences of the hard line positions they propose the Israeli government take on all the issues that arise. PeaceMaker the game could be very educational in that respect.
As the game website says, "PeaceMaker will test your skills, assumptions and prior knowledge. Play it and you will never read the news the same way again."

Wouldn't that be nice?

You can download the demo at peacemakergame. com or purchase it online in Arabic, English or Hebrew. Give it to that know-it-all friend for Christmas, Hanukkah or Ramadan. Who knows? Maybe they really do have all the right answers for the conflict....or maybe they will emerge from the gaming experience with a deeper understanding of what the leaders are really up against trying to navigate through the morass.

According to an article in the Jerusalem Post, the PeaceMaker game was created by a former IDF intelligence officer in Carnegie Mellon University's Entertainment Technology program.

"In PeaceMaker, gamers play as either the Palestinian president of Israeli prime minister as they attempt to lead their nation and their people toward a lasting international peace," goes the promotional material. "Players will encounter the same obstacles as real-life leaders, including protests, political pressures and acts of violence against soldiers and citizens alike."

Even a tour of the download-able demo quickly shows that making the right call is not as simple as many seem to think.

In a 2-11-07 post by on the PeaceMaker website, Asi Burak writes in Asymmetric Gameplay, Asymmetric Feedback:

"One of the fascinating things about an interactive piece like PeaceMaker is that it can take a life of its own. Players get positive messages you didn't intend to convey, others try very hard to find the bias towards one side or the other .... All I can say is we tried to create a realistic and balanced environment, arguably optimistic, with not intention to say that one side holds the key to a solution or that one side is to blame. "

Real peace in this conflict is going to require Divine intervention. In the meantime, we are called to be peacemakers...not hardliners. Not passive doormats, but those who have been given a ministry of reconciliation...even in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.